Troubleshooting Camera and Microphone Access for Telehealth Calls
Camera and Microphone Troubleshooting Tips for Computers and Devices
Troubleshooting Audio for Mac Computers

Step 2 - Select the Sound Icon

For Microphones, select the Input tab to choose which device you want to use. To test the microphone, speak into it and confirm if the input level rises and falls.

For Speakers, select the Output tab to choose with device you want for your sound output.

Troubleshooting Audio for Microsoft/Windows 10
Step 1 - From your Start Menu, open your Settings and select Privacy
Step 2 - From the left menu bar, select Camera or Microphone
Allow apps to access your camera and Allow apps to access your microphone must be toggled to On.

Most microphones will install the software they need to operate on your Windows computer after it has been plugged in to the computer the first time.
To change the default microphone on your Windows computer, confirm the microphone is connected to your computer.
From your Start menu, open Settings and select System and then Sound.
Under Input, select your microphone from the Choose your input device dropdown.
​The Test your microphone bar should rise and fall as you speak into your microphone. If the bar not moving, select Troubleshoot to open a help page.
Under Output, select your device from the Choose your output device dropdown.

Troubleshooting Audio on an Android phone/tablet
Confirm the Google Chrome app has access to your camera and microphone
From the Chrome app, a site that wants to access your microphone and camera will ask you to Allow or Block the website.
Allowed sites: Sites can start to record when you are on the site. If you are using a different Chrome tab or a different app, a site cannot start recording.
Blocked sites: Some sites will not work if you block them. For example, you will not be able to join a video conference.
How to Change a Site's Camera and Microphone Permissions
From the Chrome app, select Chrome Settings (three vertical dots icon). From the Settings, navigate to Site Settings.

Select either microphone or camera and turn the device to on.

If the site you need to access the camera or microphone is Blocked,
Select the website address​
Select Access your camera/microphone​​
Select Allow