How to log in for the first time
Step 1 - Open the email and click to activate your account
You have received an email from your provider that includes instructions on how to get started.
The email will display the following:
Your provider's logo will display at the top of the page
The email addressed to you notifying you of your scheduled Telehealth Visit
At the bottom of the email there's a button: "CLICK HERE TO ACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT"
Step 2 - Confirm your phone number and date of birth
After you click the button, you will be redirected to a secure website where you can activate your account.
The page will show your provider's logo and colors.
You will be asked to enter the mobile phone number and the date of birth that your provider has on file.
The page will show the last numbers of the phone number your provider has on file to make identification easier.
Enter your these pieces of information and click Next.
Step 3 - Set a Username and Password
Now you can set your username, password and security question.
Please save your username and password somewhere safe so you can quickly and easily find it for your next appointment.
1. Set a username.
We recommend using your email or a username you typically use.
2. Set a password.
Your password should be minimum of 6 characters long. We recommend including a Capital letter and a number.
3. Set a security question and answer.
This will be used to help you retrieve a new password or by Qure4u customer service staff to verify your identity if you call our helpline.
Choose a question that you will immediately know the answer to. Some examples are below:
Which team is the best of all time?
In 2020, what was my favorite song?
The best vacation ever would take me... where?
You are now logged in - please follow tasks in the app
Now you are logged in and can start using the app.
Please follow the instructions in the tasks from your provider, they will guide you step-by-step on what you need to do at home.
All data you enter in the app is sent securely to your provider's medical record system.
Click the name of the task or the grey arrow and you will be able to see task details.
Once a task is completed, you will get a small green checkmark on the right side next to the name of the task.